The future is here. Now both the riders,the drivers and the Rep can earn money in rideshare. Do you want to be a part of a company where you, the drivers and the riders can build their business + they can build a residual income. Read the information on this page and you will know how you can be a member of REVO Ridehare. In the following info the driver is also a networker.
Before you sign up you have to watch this video about the earning potential in REVO Rideshare.
As you can see from above video there is a great potential if you want to do some networking. Register now - it is free
Both a new driver, a new rider or a Rep have to sign up through a member of REVO Rideshare. When the Rep sign up a client (rider) - the Rep now owns the client. Next time the client makes a ride the Rep will be paid. So the Rep can own both drivers and riders and will be paid every time one of them make a ride. Each time the client books a ride through REVO Rideshare the person who have signed up the client will get 1 US$.
You get your payment a moment after the client has paid. All transaction goes through Blockchain. The client pay 5 US$ in start + 100% mileage + tips.
The driver pays 1 US$ on every ride and get 100% of mileage + 100% of tips.
Do you think it is possible to build your own business in rideshare. Maybe you have been a driver in Uber or Lyft or you know a lot of people that use rideshare. If you start signing up riders and drivers you can build a big network. Therefore this is a great chance - you are the right at the right place at the right time. The Goal of REVO Rideshare is to get drivers who make a 6 figures income next year. In 2024 the company will grow in USA and 2025 it goes abroad. Sign up and start building your business and create a new residual income stream.